October 2024

Experiences 1 :

What I did : My school was hosting a trunk or treat, National Art Honors Society requested some helpers and I volunteered to help decorate the trunk of the car and pass out candy to kids that arrived

Strand : Service

Learning Outcomes : 

Communication skills


When/How often : NAHS meets every month or so 

Experiences 2 :

What I did : We did what's called the "Pamper Pole" which is where we climb up on a tall telephone pole, we are harnessed up and start climbing up, and then at the very top you have to balance on this tiny circle and then you must jump off and have to trust the person at the bottom holding on to the rope to catch you. Then the picture to the right is what's called "Drop Zone". You're harnessed up like a right triangle the longest side up at the trees and you're pulled up till you're aligned with the longest side and then you pull down a rope and drop upside down and swing.

Strand :  Active

Learning Outcomes : 





When/How often : At Camp about  three times a year

Experiences 3 :

What I did : NAHS we had our first club meeting. The prompt was to decorate pumpkins. We decided on something simple, so what better than to paint an orange m&m! Sadly we did not win the pumpkin painting competition but it was a fun task to do with my best friend while earning some hours.

Strand : Creative

Learning Outcomes : 




When/How often : Once a month 

Experiences 4 :

What I did :This year was the Berlin wall anniversary of  35 years since it fell. At school we did our own version of the wall. I was able to paint my own version of a famous piece. I spray painted the box white, the started to paint my vision onto the box. I used the German flag colors and used red for the words I want to be seen. 

Strand : Creative

Learning Outcomes : 




When/How often : Just this once

Experience 2 Reflection :

I've never experienced what I do at camp. The extreme challenges pushes my abilities to lengths I didn't think it could go. I challenge myself with overcoming big fears with these different activities. From the fear of heights, fearing that "I can't do this". Every time I think this, I have a community that surrounds me with support and challenges me to where I say "I can do it". So I do and I prove to myself that I can do anything that I put my mind too. I overcome a lot of fears and challenges when I go to camp. I experience new things, meet so many amazing people that become a supportive community, and have a lot of fun in the process.